National FDP on Digital tools for teaching
You can use this course to tryanything in the moodle. You can use any tools, NO restriction.
This course is for MOODLE Training on 23-02-2017Instructors: Dr. P. ashkarali & Dr. A. R. Ramesh
Week 1 Foundations of Taxation and Tax Liability Ø Overview of taxation and heads of incomes Ø Rules of Set off carry forward losses Ø Clubbing of incomes Ø Deductions Ø Computation of total income Week 2 Tax Computation and Application Ø Tax rates and slabs in India Ø Rebates & Reliefs Ø Computation of Tax liability
Learning outcomes: 1. Explain the fundamental principles of taxation and tax liability. 2. Calculate tax liability for individuals using Indian tax laws and regulations. 3. Apply tax computation methods and formulas to real-world scenarios
This course on Solid & Hazardous Waste Management provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices involved in managing solid waste in a sustainable and environmentally sound manner. The course covers various aspects, including legislation, planning, implementation, technical aspects, and design of engineered systems.
This course gives knowledge to the students about the various emerging concept in Tourism.
morphology and anatomy of angiosperms
It covers all the essential knowledge for your undergraduate Angiosperm Taxonomy paper.
A beautiful study of the lower forms of life, plant forms which together produce 90% of oxygen
A module designed to uncover the basics and applications of biotechnology
tissues, tissue systems, functions...
various types of gymnosperms:morphology,,,anatomy,,,reproduction
The study of fungi.
meaning and importance of man power planning
introduction to management and its functions. this course gives an idea about the levels and stages of management
Introduction to research methodology
Medicinal and Environmental chemistry
Pericyclic reactions. Aminoacids Proteins
The year 2019 has been designated by UNESCO as the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT), marking the 150th anniversary of the Mendeleev periodic table. Department of Chemistry, Providence Women's College is offering an online course "A Journey through Periodic Table", to raise an awareness about the history, periodic trends, the wealth of information it holds, elements of its success and the significance of Periodic table. It is a comprehensive course for those who want to discover the secrets of Periodic Table and explore the elements in detail
This course is fir fourth semester students
This course is for fifth semester student
HRM has been recognised as an essential part of every managers responsibility.This course tries to open the doors of management of people for the students and to create an awareness about human resource management.
This course is for fifth semester B.Com students
This course is for final year students
Objectives: > To familiarize student with the use quantitative techniques in managerial decision making. Module I Quantitative Techniques - Introduction - Meaning and definition - Classification of Q.T QT and other disciplines -Application of QT in business -Limitations. 05 Hours Module II Correlation and Regression Analysis : Meaning and definition of Correlation - Karl Pearson's co-efficient of correlation - Rank correlation - Regression - Types -Determination of simple linear regression - Coefficient of determination. 20 Hours Module III Set Theory - Probability: Concept of probability - Meaning and definition - Approaches to probability - Theorems of probability - Addition Theorem - Multiplication Theorem -Conditional probability- Inverse probability- Baye'sTheorem. 15 Hours Module IV Theoretical Distribution: Binomial distribution - Basic assumptions and characteristics -Fitting of binomial distribution - Poisson distribution - characteristics - Fitting of Poisson distribution - Normal distribution - Features and properties - Standard normal curve. 15 Hours Module V Statistical Inference : Testing of hypothesis - Procedure - Error in testing - Two tail tests and one tail tests - Non parametric tests (Chi-square test only) - Parametric tests - Z test -Test of significance of large samples-Test for two sample means-Small sample mean tests - Students t test - Analysis of Variance - F test - One way ANOVA . 20 Hours Reference Books: 1. Richard I. Levin and David S. Rubin, Statistics for Management, Prentice Hall of India, latest edition. 2. S.P.Gupta, Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand, latest edition 3. Sanchetti and Kapoor, Statistics, Sultan Chand. 4. G.C.Beri, "Statistics For Managemet",Tata Me Graw Hill, 2003. 5. J.K. Sharma, "Business Statstics:, Pearson, 2004 6. Anderson Sweeney Williams, "Statistics for Business and Economics", Thomson. 7. R.P.Hooda, "Statistics for Business", Me Millan. 8. Levine Krebiel & Bevenson, "Business Statistics", Pearson edition, Delhi.
C++ is a compiled, general-purpose, case-sensitive, free-form programming language that supports procedural, object-oriented, and generic programming. C++ is regarded as a middle-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features. C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey, as an enhancement to the C language and originally named C with Classes but later it was renamed C++ in 1983. C++ is a superset of C, and that virtually any legal C program is a legal C++ program. Object-Oriented Programming C++ fully supports object-oriented programming, v Encapsulation v Data hiding v Inheritance v Polymorphism C++ Program Structure #include <iostream> using namespace std; // main() is where program execution begins. int main() { cout << "Hello World"; // prints Hello World return 0; } The C++ language defines several headers, which contain information that is either necessary or useful to your program. For this program, the header <iostream> is needed. The line using namespace std; tells the compiler to use the std namespace. Namespaces are a relatively recent addition to C++. The next line '// main() is where program execution begins.' is a single-line comment available in C++. Single-line comments begin with // and stop at the end of the line. The line int main() is the main function where program execution begins. The next line cout << "Hello World"; causes the message "Hello World" to be displayed on the screen. The next line return 0; terminates main( )function and causes it to return the value 0 to the calling process. Primitive Built-in Types C++ offers the programmer a rich assortment of built-in as well as user defined data types. Following table lists down seven basic C++ data types − Type Keyword Boolean bool Character char Integer int Floating point float Double floating point double Valueless void
java is a simple language
DBMS - UG & PG Important Subject
DBMS - UG Syllabus
Android programming
The course is to stimulate the learners' interest in drama, to appreciate drama as an art form and to fathom its trends and techniques.
malayalam kadha,kavitha
malayalam kadha,kavitha
The course aims to enable the learners to appreciate and to critically analyze prose writings of different types and from diverse contexts – social, political, historical and national
This course aims at preparing undergraduate students to learn how to use language with a proper knowledge of the nuances of structure and usage of English. It aims at a recapitulation of English grammar and usage that learners would have acquired at the lower levels
The course inspires students to approach and appreciate Indian literature in English to explore its uniqueness and its place among the literatures in English.
The course aims to provide a detailed understanding of the figures of speech in English Literature.
A chronological survey of the various periods of English literature. The course covers the literary ground from the Old English poetry till the mid twentieth century, emphasizing on the emergence ,evolution and progress of English language and literature. The course examines the major literary movements and events in the context of social, political, religious and economic changes that moulded the history of England.
1. AIM OF THE COURSE The course studies what is language and what knowledge a language consist of. This is provided by basic examination of internal organization of sentences, words, and sound systems. The course assumes no prior training in linguistics. Students of Linguistics begin their studies by learning how to analyze languages, their sounds (phonetics and phonology), their ways of forming words (morphology), their sentence structures (syntax), and their systems of expressing meaning (semantics). 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE • To lead to a greater understanding of the human mind, of human communicative action and relations through an objective study of language To familiarize students with key concepts of Linguistics and develop awareness of latest trends in Language Study To help students towards a better pronunciation and to improve the general standard of pronunciation in every day conversation and in reading. To help the students develop a sense of English grammar, idioms, syntax and usage. To improve writing and speech skills.
State and Society in Medieval India
Historical Tourism is the open course paper offered by the dept of History.
Gender studies provides a frame work for describing how ideas and assumptions about biological sex and gender influence the political, social and cultural construction of gender identities.
This paper intends giving a historical background to English literature....
This course will help the students of English B. A course to have a beter understanding of the conepts and ideas which they come across in English Literature
Module 1: Official statistics: The Statistical system in India: The Central and State Government organizations, functions of the Central Statistical Office (CSO), National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) and the Department of Economics and Statistics.Module 2: Introduction to Statistics: Nature of Statistics, Uses of Statistics, Statistics in relation to other disciplines, Abuses of Statistics. Concept of primary and secondary data. Designing a questionnaire and a schedule. Concepts of statistical population and sample from a population, quantitative and qualitative data, Nominal, ordinal and time series data, discrete and continuous data. Presentation of data by table and by diagrams, frequency distributions by histogram and frequency polygon, cumulative frequency distributions (inclusive and exclusive methods) and ogives. Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, geometric mean and harmonic mean) with simple applications. Absolute and relative measures of dispersion (range, quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard deviation) with simple applications. Co-efficient of variation, Box Plot. Importance of moments, central and non-central moments, and their interrelationships. Measures of skewness based on quartiles and moments; kurtosis based on moments.Module 3: Correlation and Regression: Scatter Plot, Simple correlation, Simple regression, two regression lines, regression coefficients. Fitting of straight line, parabola, exponential, polynomial (least square method).Module 4:Time series: Introduction and examples of time series from various fields, Components of times series, Additive and Multiplicative models. Trend: Estimation of trend by free hand curve method, method of semi averages, method of moving averages and fitting various mathematical curves. Seasonal Component: Estimation of seasonal component by Method of simple averages, Ratio to Trend. Index numbers: Definition, construction of index numbers and problems thereof for weighted and unweighted index numbers including Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s, Edgeworth-Marshall and Fisher’s.
Module 1: Estimation theory: Parametric space, sample space, point estimation. Nayman Factorization criteria, Requirements of good estimator: Unbiasedness, Consistency, Efficiency, Sufficiency and completeness. Minimum variance unbiased (MVU) estimators. Cramer-Rao inequality (definition only). Minimum Variance Bound (MVB) estimators. Methods of estimation: Maximum likelihood estimation and Moment estimation methods (Detailed discussion with problems); Properties of maximum likelihood estimators (without proof); Least squares and minimum variance (concepts only). Interval estimation: Confidence interval (CI);CI for mean and variance of Normal distribution; Confidence interval for binomial proportion and population correlation coefficient when population is normal. Module 2: Testing of Hypothesis: Level of significance, Null and Alternative hypotheses, simple and composite hypothesis ,Types of Errors, Critical Region, Level of Significance, Power and p-values. Most powerful tests, Neyman-Pearson Lemma (without proof), Uniformly Most powerful tests. Large sample tests: Test for single mean, equality of two means, Test for single proportion, equality of two proportions. Small sample tests: t-test for single mean, unpaired and paired t-test. Chi-square test for equality of variances, goodness of fit, test of independence and association of attributes. Testing means of several populations: One Way ANOVA, Two Way ANOVA (assumptions, hypothesis, ANOVA table and problems) Module 3: Non-parametric methods: Advantages and drawbacks; Test for randomness, Median test, Sign test, Mann-Whiteny U test and Wilcoxon test; Kruskal Wallis test (Concept only) Module 4: Quality Control: General theory of control charts, causes of variations in quality, control limits, sub-grouping, summary of out-of-control criteria. Charts of variables - X bar chart, R Chart and sigma chart. Charts of attributes – c-charts, p-chart and np-chart.(Concepts and problems).
This course includes laboratory experiments for fifth and sixth semester BSc Physics.
Fermat’s Principle, verification of laws of reflection and refraction 2 Hours [Sections 2.1 to 2.6 of Brijlal, Subramaniyam, & Avadhanuluand Sections 3.1 to 3.2 ofAjoyGhatak]Refraction and reflection by spherical surfaces : 3 Hours Refraction and reflection at a single spherical surfaces. The thin lens, The Principal Foci, and Focal length of a lens, The Newton formula, Lateral magnification.[Sections 4.1 to 4.7 of Ajoy Ghatak]Unit 22. Interference by division of wave front 6 Hours Superposition of two sinusoidal waves, Interference, coherence ,conditions for interference, the interference patterns, intensity distribution .Fresnel‟s two mirror arrangement, Fresnel's Biprism, Determination of λ and dλ of Sodium Light[Sections 14.1 to 14.4, 14.6 to 14.9 of Brijlal, Subramaniyam, & Avadhanulu, and Sections 14.1 to 14.8 of Ajoy Ghatak. Additional problems should be done from chapter 7 of Introduction to Optics by Frank.L,Pedrotti,Leno M Pedrotti and Leno S Pedrotti.]3. Interference by division of amplitude 8 HoursInterference by a plane film illuminated by a plane wave, cosine law, non reflecting films (the subsections excluded), interference by a film with two nonparallel reflecting surfaces, colours of thin films, Newton‟s rings, The Michelson interferometer, white light fringes-36[Sections 15.1 to 15.4,15.7, 15.9, 15.11 of Ajoy Ghatak, and Sections 2.1 to 2.6 of Brijlal, Subramaniyam, &Avadhanulu. Additional problems should be done from chapter 7 of Introduction to Optics by Frank.L,Pedrotti, Leno M Pedrotti and Leno S Pedrotti.]Unit 34. Fraunhofer Diffraction 10 Hours Preliminaries, single slit diffraction pattern, diffraction by circular aperture, limit of resolution, two slit Fraunhofer diffraction pattern, N slit diffraction pattern, plane diffraction grating, resolving power.[Sections 18.1 to 18.3, 18.5 to 18.8 of Ajoy Ghatak. Additional problems should be done from chapters 11 and 12 of Introduction to Optics by Frank.L,Pedrotti, Leno M Pedrotti and Leno S Pedrotti.]5. Fresnel Diffraction 3 Hours Preliminaries, Fresnel half period zones, explanation of rectilinear propagation of light, zone plate [Sections 20.1 to 20.3 of Ajoy Ghatak]Unit 4 8 Hours 6. PolarizationHuygene‟s explanation of double refraction, positive and negative uniaxial crystals, quarter and half wave plates, types of polarized light, production and analysis of plane, circularly and elliptically polarized light, optical activity, Laurentz half shade polarimeter[Sections 20.9,20.17 to 20.20,20.24 of Brijlal, Subramaniyam, & Avadhanulu and corresponding sections of Ajoy Ghatak]Unit 5 6 Hours 7. HolographyPrinciples of holography, theory of construction and reconstruction of Hologram, Applications of Holography. [Sections 23.1 to 23.6 of Brijlal, Subramaniyam, &Avadhanulu and Sections 21.1 to 21.4 of Ajoy Ghatak]Unit 6 8 Hours 8. Fibre OpticsOptical fibre, Numerical aperture, step index fibre, pulse dispersion, graded index fibre, fibre optic sensors.37 [Sections 27.4, 27.7, 27.10, 27.12 of Ajoy Ghatak and corresponding sections from Brijlal, Subramaniyam, & Avadhanulu]
Transient currents 7 hours Max marks 20Growth and decay of current in LR and CR circuits – measurement of high resistance byleakage – growth of charge and discharge of a capacitor through LCR circuit – theory ofBG – experiment to determine charge sensitiveness of BG using a standard condenser andHMS. (Sections 12.1 to 12.6, 10.10 to 10.13 and section 11.14 of Electricity and magnetism byR. Murugeshan)4. AC circuits 12 hours Max marks 27AC through L, C, R, LC, CR, LR and LCR – resonance and resonant circuits – repulsionbetween coil and conductor – j operators, application to AC circuits – AC bridges –Anderson and Rayleigh bridge.(Sections 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.6, 22.7, 22.10, 22.11, 22.13, 22.18 to 22.22.1, 22.23 of
Core Course –IX 72 hours (Credit – 4) PH5 B09: ELECTRONICS (ANALOG & DIGITAL) UNIT I 1. Semiconductor rectifiers and DC Power supplies 8 hours. Max marks 15 Preliminaries of rectification, Bridge rectifier, Efficiency, Nature of rectified output, Ripple factor, different types of filter circuits, voltage multipliers, Zener diode voltage stabilization (sections 6.13-6.15, 6.17 - 6.27 V.K Mehta) 2. Transistors: 14 hours Max marks 27 Different transistor amplifier configurations:- C-B, C-E, C-C, their characteristics, amplification factors, their relationships, Load line Analysis, Expressions for voltage gain, current gain and power gain of C.E amplifier, cut-off and saturation points, Transistor biasing, Different types of biasing - Base resistor, voltage divider bias method, single stage transistor amplifier circuit, load line analysis, DC and AC equivalent circuits. (Section 8.7 - 8.10, 8.12-8.22, 9.2-9.8, 9.11-9.12, 10.4-10.5, 10.7-10.9 V K Mehta) 3. Multistage Transistor amplifier 4 hours Max marks 10 R.C coupled amplifier- frequency response, and gain in decibels, Transformer coupled Amplifiers,Direct Coupled Amplifier,Comparison. (Section 11.1-11.8, VK Mehta) 4. Feedback Circuits and Oscillators 8 hours Max marks 12 Basic principles of feedback, negative feedback and its advantages, positive feedback circuits Oscillatory Circuits-LC, RC oscillators, tuned collector oscillator, Hartley, Colpitt’s, phase shift and crystal oscillators - their expressions for frequency. Sections (13.1-13.5, 14.1 - 14.13, 14.15-14.20 VK Mehta) 5. Special Devices and Opamp 12 hours Max marks 18 LED, basic idea of UJT, FET, MOSFET, OP-amp-basic operation, application, inverting, Non-inverting, summing amplifiers, Differentiator integrator. (Sections 7.2-7.4, 19.2-19.14, 19.14, 19.27-19.30, 21.11-21.14, 25.1, 25.16, 25.15- 25.17,25.23-25.26, 25.32, 25.34-25.35, 25.37 VK Mehta)
Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and cognitive processes. It is derived from two separate fields, Philosophy and Physiology. It consists of processes like attention, memory, perception, learning etc..
Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mind and mental function, including learning, memory, attention, perception, reasoning, language, conceptual development, and decision making. The modern study of cognition rests on the premise that the brain can be understood as a complex computing system.
Human physiology is the science of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of normal humans or human tissues or organs. The principal level of focus of physiology is at the level of organs and systems.
Principles and practices of management is an introductory course on management process from managers' perspective.The goal of the course is to help students acquire the requisite knowledge, skills and abilities needed to successfully manage the organization.
On successful completion of this course, the students should have understood EDP, Project management , Institutional support to entrepreneurial development
This course is designed to enable students for acquiring basic knowledge in business research methods and to develop basic skill in them to conduct survey researches and case studies.
TTM4B06 INTRODUCTION TO HOSPITALITY Lecture Hours per week: 5 Credits: 4 Objectives: To explore various aspects of value creation through hospitality industry. Module I History – current scenario – Hospitality – meaning definition – Hotel – definition – classification and categorization of hotels – star classifications, size, location, service, ownership – types of hotels, supplementary accommodations. Module II Introduction to hospitality industry and its distinctive characteristics – seven P’s of marketing in hospitality marketing (product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence). Module III Introduction to hotel – structure of hotel – functions and departments in a hotel – inter departmental coordination, major functions of departments – front office, house keeping, food and beverage, back office, engineering and security, marketing, uniformed service department, performance indicators – occupying ratio, table turn over. Module IV Case study of major hotel chains in India – Taj, Obroi, ITC Welcome Group, Ashok, Leela International, Sheraton, Marriot, Radison, Hilton (with of details of location, class of service, types of properties, number of properties). Module V Future trends in hospitality industry (capsule hotels, B & B, floating hotels, hotels, tree house, home stay, timeshare and condominium hotels) – Role of CRS and PMS (property management system) in Hotels – major organisations in hospitality industry – functions and activities – FHRAI, AMHA, AH & LA. 28 References 1
TTM1B01 FUNDAMENTALS OF TOURISM Lecture Hours per week: 6 Credit: 5 Objective: To invoke interest in students with basic concepts and contents of tourism studies. Module I Tourism through Centuries (India & World), Ancient, Mideval and Modern history of tourism Factors influencing the growth of tourism Module II Significance of Tourism, social, economic cultural – Definition of travel, Traveller, Visitor, Excursionist, Tourist, Picnic – Concept, leisure and business. Typology and forms of tourism – International, Inbound, Outbound, inter regional, intra regional, domestic, international, national and other forms Social tourism. Module III Tourism an overview – components (5A’s Attraction, Accessibility, Accommodation, Amenities and Activities), Tourism system and Elements of tourism (Leeper’s Model) – Characteristics of Tourism (Intangibility, Perishability, Variability, Inseparability, Heterogeneous, Multitude of industry, Pricing competitiveness/Flexibility, Interrelationship of elements. Module IV Introduction to tourism industry – Travel agency – History – Operation/Functions – Types. Tour Operators – Functions – Types. Accommodation Industry-Types – Classification – Supplementary – Souvenir Industry & Shopping – Transportation (Air, Water, Land) – Role of Transportation in Tourism (Airlines, Railways, Cruises, Coaches, Car rentals, etc.) Role and functions of NTO and tourism authorities of various levels (National, State, Local) Module V Motivation – Definition – Physical, Cultural, Inter-personals and status and prestige, with relevant examples and further divisions – Health, Rest, Recreation, Relaxation. Career 10 opportunities in tourism industry – International travel requirements (Passport, Visa, Health Certificates & Insurance) . Reference 1. Pran Seth: Successful tourism Management (Vol. 1 & 2) 2. A.K Bhatia: International Tourism 3. A.K Bhatia: Tourism Management & Marketing. 4. Christopher.J. Hollway; Longman ; The Business of Tourism 5. Cooper, Fletcher et al, (1993), Tourism Principles and Practices, Pitman. 6. P.N. Seth: Successful Tourism Development Vol. 1 and 2, Sterling Publishers 7. Page, S: Tourism Management: Routledge, London 8. Glenn. F. Ross - The Psychology of Tourism (1998), Hospitality Press, Victoria, Australia. **********
TOURISM IN KERALA Module I Kerala tourism: an overview – geographical features of Kerala in brief, climate, flora and fauna, society and culture, favourable condition for tourism growth in Kerala. Module I Cultural resources – Style of architecture, classical art forms, folk arts, martial art forms, traditional art forms, handicrafts, painting, forts, palaces, museums, art galleries, parks, other man-made attractions. Module III Natural resources: Flora and fauna, major wild life sanctuaries, waterfalls, national park, biodiversity, hill stations, caves, beaches, backwaters, islands, mangroves, farms and plantations, ecotourism in Kerala (all in brief). Module IV Developments in Kerala tourism: Department of Tourism, role of KTDC, DTPC, TRKL, BRDC, KITTS, Ecotourism Directorate, Kerala tourism policy, Tourism vision statement, Kerala tourism promotion, Travel marts, Road shows, publicity materials, sustainable tourism
Undergraduate course
Coursr for Physics, Zoology, Botany students
Addon Course in zoology Texile industry
Module II: Index Numbers and Time Series Analysis Index Numbers: Meaning and Uses- Unweighted and Weighted Index Numbers: Laspeyre‘s,Paasche‘s, Fisher‘s, Dorbish-Bowley, Marshall-Edgeworth and Kelley‘s Methods - Tests of IndexNumbers: Time Reversal and Factor Reversal tests - Base Shifting, Splicing and Deflating-CPI and WPI - Stock Price Indices: BSE-SENSEX and NSE-NIFTY.Time Series Analysis -Components of Time Series - Measurement of Trend by Moving Average and the Method of Least Squares.Module III: Vital Statistics Vital Statistics: Meaning and Uses- Fertility Rates: Crude Birth Rate, General Fertility Rate, Specific Fertility Rate, Gross Reproduction Rate and Net Reproduction Rate - Mortality Rates: Crude Death Rate, Specific Death Rate, Infant Mortality Rate andMaternal Mortality Rate - Sex Ratio and Couple Protection Ratio.Module IV- Fundamentals of probability Basic probability concepts: – Mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive events – statistically independent events, sample space, events. Types of probability –A Priori Classical probability – Empirical Classical Probability – Subjective Probability.
Students of economics should have sound quantitative skills to collect, analyse and interpret empirical data. They also require these skills for advanced studies in quantitative economics. Quantitative skills have become an essential toolkit for most branches of economics.This course is intended to provide students an introduction to quantities methods and tools that are used in the study of economics at the undergraduate level. The aim of this course is to develop skill in statistical and mathematical techniques that are required for a meaningful study of applied economics and for carrying out empirical their further study in most branches of economics.
Module I: Market Structure: Perfect Competition Market-Functions-Market structure-Types of markets-Perfect competition-Characteristics-Demand AR and MR curves-Price determination in the market period- Short run equilibrium of the firm and industryShut down point-Long run equilibrium of the firm and industry-Constant, increasing and decreasing cost industries- Welfare effects of government intervention- Impact of a tax and subsidy. Module II: Monopoly Monopoly- Sources of monopoly-Types of monopoly-AR and MR curve of a monopolist - Short run and long run equilibrium- Supply curve of a monopolist- The multiplant firm- Monopoly power-Measurement of monopoly power-Social cost of monopoly- Regulation of monopoly -Price discrimination-First degree, second-degree and third degree- International price discrimination (Dumping- types)-Two part tariff, tying and bundling-Peak load pricing- Monopsony- Bilateral monopoly. Module III: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly:- Monopolistic competition- Features of monopolistic competition-Short run and long run equilibriumExcess capacity-Product differentiation and selling costs-Oligopoly-Characteristics- Collusive versus non-collusive oligopoly-Cournotmodel- Kinked demand curve model - Cartel and price leadership. Module IV: Pricing and Employment of Inputs Competitive factor markets: -Demand curve of the firm for one variable input-Demand curve of the firm for several variable inputs- Market demand curve for an input - Supply of inputs to a firm- The market supply of inputs- Equilibrium in a competitive factor market- Factor market with monopoly power- Factor market with monopsony power-Marginal Productivity theory of input demand. References: 1. Dominick Salvatore (2003): Microeconomics: Theory and Applications- 4th Edition, Oxford University Press. 2. Robert S Pindyck and Daniel L Rubinfeld (2009): Microeconomics- 8th Edition, Pearson India. 3. Watson and Getz (2004): Price Theory and its Uses- 5th Edition, AITBS Publishers and Distributors. 4. A Koutsoyiannis (1979): Modern Microeconomics- 2nd Edition, Macmillan. 5 .G S Madalla and Ellen Miller (1989): Microeconomics: Theory and Applications- Tata McGraw-Hill. 6. Robert Y Awh (1976): Microeconomics: Theory and Applications- John Wiley & Sons.
SYLLABUS Module I – Introduction to International Economics: Subject matter and importance of International Economics - Internal trade and International trade - Importance of International trade – International trade and economic development – Basic concepts - Terms of trade. Module II --- Theories of International Trade: Mercantilist approach to trade - Classical Theory: Absolute and Comparative Cost Advantage theories - Hecksher – Ohlin Theory and Leontief Paradox. Module III: Theory of Commercial Policy: Free trade - Arguments for and against free trade – Protection - Arguments for and against protection - Methods of Trade Restriction : Tariff and non-tariff trade barriers - Types of tariffs – New protectionism - export subsidy and countervailing duties - Dumping and anti-dumping duties – Economic Integration – WTO, EU, NAFTA, ASEAN, SAARC.Module IV --- Foreign Exchange: Foreign exchange market – functions - Defining foreign exchange and exchange rate – Exchange rate concepts – exchange rate changes (devaluation, revaluation, depreciation, appreciationovervaluation and undervaluation) – Different systems of exchange rate determination - fixed and flexible exchange rate – Hybrid exchange rate systems – Managed floating – Theories of exchange rate – Mint Parity theory – Purchasing Power Parity Theory – Balance of Payments Theory - Components of Foreign exchange . Module V --- Balance of Payments: Defining Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments - Structure of balance of payments – Equilibrium and disequilibrium in BOP – Measures to correct BOP disequilibrium – India‘s BOP since 1991 – International financial flows – Foreign Direct Investment and Porfolio Investment – Currency Convertibility – IMF-Role and Functions. Reference: 1. Salvatore, Dominick, ‗International Economics‘, Weily India, New Delhi. 2. C.P. Kindle Berger, ‗International Economics‘ 3. Bo Soderstein and Geoffrey Reed, ‗International Economics‘, Macmillan 4. Carbaugh, ‗International Economics‘, Cengage Learning 4. Francis Cherumilam - ‗International Economics‘ 5. Mannur, H.G. ‗International Economics‘ 6. Errol D‘Souza, ‗Macro Economics‘, Pearson Education 2008 (For BOP in India) 7. RBI Bulletin, Various issues
Syllabus Module I: Introduction to Macroeconomics Macroeconomics and its scope - Microeconomics and macroeconomics – Macroeconomic models – Types of variable: Stock and flow, endogenous and exogenous, exante and expost – Static, comparative static and dynamic – Equilibrium and disequilibrium.Module II: National Income National income concepts and their interrelationships: – GNP - Nominal versus real GNP - Potential versus Actual GNP – Green GNP - GNP deflator – NNP, GDP, NDP, NI, PI, and DPI – National income identity-two sector, three sector and four sector economy- Methods of estimating national income – Difficulties in the estimation of national income. Module III: Classical Macro Economic Model Classical macroeconomics:– Say‘s Law of Markets – Wage-price flexibility – Classical model of output and employment – Classical theory of price level detrminaiton – Quantity theory of Money – Fisher‘s Equation of Exchange – Cash Balance Approach - Neutrality of Money – Money illusion –Pigou effect – Real Balance effect – Classical dichotomy – Concept of full employment – voluntary unemployment.Module IV: Keynesian Theory and Income Determination: The background of Keynesian revolution – Principle of effective demand – Aggregate demand and its components – The consumption function – Fundamental Psychological Law – APC and MPC – Saving function – APS and MPS – The Investment function – Determinants of investment – Saving and Investment equality – MEC – MEI and roel of expectations – The multiplier – Income determination in two and three sectors (Keynesian croas diagram and algebra) – Role of government – fiscal policy – Objectives of fiscal policy - Instruments of fiscal policy – Fiscal multipliers – tax multiplier, government expenditure multiplier, and balanced budget multiplier – Inflationary and deflationary gaps – The concept of underemployment equilibrium – wage-price rigidity – Keyne‘s theory of employment. Module V: Theories of consumption fucnction: The absolute income hypothesis - the Relative income hypotheses - The permanent income and life cycle hypothesis – random walk hypotheses - The Ratchet effect.References: 1. Edward Shapiro – ‗Macro economics‘ Oxford University press. 2. Gregory Mankiw – ‗Macro economics‘ – 6th Edn. Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Richard T. Frogmen – ‗Macro economics‘, Pearson education. 4. Eugene Diutio – Macro economic Theory, Shaum‘s Outline series. Tata McGraw Hill 5. Errol D‘Souza – ‗Macro Economics‘ – Pearson Education 2008. 6. Abhijit Kundu (2009) : Methodology and Perspectives of Social Science – Pearson Education 8 Dernbusch, Fischer and Startz-MacroEconomics-Tata McGraw –Hill
The course is for the students of B.A Economics. The paper aims to familiarise students with the functions and systems of capital market .
Audit course 4th sem
test for tc elective
plant cell and water relatiions
This course on Reproductive Biology, is a beautiful story of how we ensure our food....for ourselves and for future generations
The second semester syllabus of PG botany, includes Genetics with modules. This course seeks to teach the modules on Linkage, Maternal inheritance, Quantitative inheritance etc
Income TaxThird Semester
Management Sciencesecond semester
International Business Second Semester.