Core Course –IX 72 hours (Credit – 4)
1. Semiconductor rectifiers and DC Power supplies 8 hours. Max marks 15
Preliminaries of rectification, Bridge rectifier, Efficiency, Nature of rectified output,
Ripple factor, different types of filter circuits, voltage multipliers, Zener diode voltage
stabilization (sections 6.13-6.15, 6.17 - 6.27 V.K Mehta)
2. Transistors: 14 hours Max marks 27
Different transistor amplifier configurations:- C-B, C-E, C-C, their characteristics,
amplification factors, their relationships, Load line Analysis, Expressions for voltage gain,
current gain and power gain of C.E amplifier, cut-off and saturation points, Transistor
biasing, Different types of biasing - Base resistor, voltage divider bias method, single stage
transistor amplifier circuit, load line analysis, DC and AC equivalent circuits. (Section 8.7
- 8.10, 8.12-8.22, 9.2-9.8, 9.11-9.12, 10.4-10.5, 10.7-10.9 V K Mehta)
3. Multistage Transistor amplifier 4 hours Max marks 10
R.C coupled amplifier- frequency response, and gain in decibels, Transformer coupled
Amplifiers,Direct Coupled Amplifier,Comparison.
(Section 11.1-11.8, VK Mehta)
4. Feedback Circuits and Oscillators 8 hours Max marks 12
Basic principles of feedback, negative feedback and its advantages, positive feedback
circuits Oscillatory Circuits-LC, RC oscillators, tuned collector oscillator, Hartley,
Colpitt’s, phase shift and crystal oscillators - their expressions for frequency.
Sections (13.1-13.5, 14.1 - 14.13, 14.15-14.20 VK Mehta)
5. Special Devices and Opamp 12 hours Max marks 18
LED, basic idea of UJT, FET, MOSFET, OP-amp-basic operation,
application, inverting, Non-inverting, summing amplifiers, Differentiator integrator.
(Sections 7.2-7.4, 19.2-19.14, 19.14, 19.27-19.30, 21.11-21.14, 25.1, 25.16, 25.15-
25.17,25.23-25.26, 25.32, 25.34-25.35, 25.37 VK Mehta)