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Updated 03 Nov 2020
Lessons 5
Language English ‎(en)‎
Skill Level Beginner

Course Overview

Module 1: Estimation theory: Parametric space, sample space, point estimation. Nayman Factorization criteria, Requirements of good estimator: Unbiasedness, Consistency, Efficiency, Sufficiency and completeness. Minimum variance unbiased (MVU) estimators. Cramer-Rao inequality (definition only). Minimum Variance Bound (MVB) estimators. Methods of estimation: Maximum likelihood estimation and Moment estimation methods (Detailed discussion with problems); Properties of maximum likelihood estimators (without proof); Least squares and minimum variance (concepts only). Interval estimation: Confidence interval (CI);CI for mean and variance of Normal distribution; Confidence interval for binomial proportion and population correlation coefficient when population is normal.

Module 2: Testing of Hypothesis: Level of significance, Null and Alternative hypotheses, simple and composite hypothesis ,Types of Errors, Critical Region, Level of Significance, Power and p-values. Most powerful tests, Neyman-Pearson Lemma (without proof), Uniformly Most powerful tests. Large sample tests: Test for single mean, equality of two means, Test for single proportion, equality of two proportions. Small sample tests: t-test for single mean, unpaired and paired t-test. Chi-square test for equality of variances, goodness of fit, test of independence and association of attributes. Testing means of several populations: One Way ANOVA, Two Way ANOVA (assumptions, hypothesis, ANOVA table and problems)

Module 3: Non-parametric methods: Advantages and drawbacks; Test for randomness, Median test, Sign test, Mann-Whiteny U test and Wilcoxon test; Kruskal Wallis test (Concept only)

Module 4: Quality Control: General theory of control charts, causes of variations in quality, control limits, sub-grouping, summary of out-of-control criteria. Charts of variables - X bar chart, R Chart and sigma chart. Charts of attributes – c-charts, p-chart and np-chart.(Concepts and problems).

Course Content


Enrolment options

Module 1: Estimation theory: Parametric space, sample space, point estimation. Nayman Factorization criteria, Requirements of good estimator: Unbiasedness, Consistency, Efficiency, Sufficiency and completeness. Minimum variance unbiased (MVU) estimators. Cramer-Rao inequality (definition only). Minimum Variance Bound (MVB) estimators. Methods of estimation: Maximum likelihood estimation and Moment estimation methods (Detailed discussion with problems); Properties of maximum likelihood estimators (without proof); Least squares and minimum variance (concepts only). Interval estimation: Confidence interval (CI);CI for mean and variance of Normal distribution; Confidence interval for binomial proportion and population correlation coefficient when population is normal.

Module 2: Testing of Hypothesis: Level of significance, Null and Alternative hypotheses, simple and composite hypothesis ,Types of Errors, Critical Region, Level of Significance, Power and p-values. Most powerful tests, Neyman-Pearson Lemma (without proof), Uniformly Most powerful tests. Large sample tests: Test for single mean, equality of two means, Test for single proportion, equality of two proportions. Small sample tests: t-test for single mean, unpaired and paired t-test. Chi-square test for equality of variances, goodness of fit, test of independence and association of attributes. Testing means of several populations: One Way ANOVA, Two Way ANOVA (assumptions, hypothesis, ANOVA table and problems)

Module 3: Non-parametric methods: Advantages and drawbacks; Test for randomness, Median test, Sign test, Mann-Whiteny U test and Wilcoxon test; Kruskal Wallis test (Concept only)

Module 4: Quality Control: General theory of control charts, causes of variations in quality, control limits, sub-grouping, summary of out-of-control criteria. Charts of variables - X bar chart, R Chart and sigma chart. Charts of attributes – c-charts, p-chart and np-chart.(Concepts and problems).

Skill Level: Beginner
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